Render of Hendon Hub New Facilities

Welcome to the Hendon Hub website

The online home for the Hendon Hub Development

Working in partnership with Middlesex University the Hendon Hub redevelopment will significantly improve the look and feel of the Burroughs, creating a pleasant environment that is safer, greener and more accessible.

In 2021 the London Borough of Barnet consulted local residents and stakeholders on proposals for the sites that comprise Hendon Hub. The planning applications were considered and a resolution to grant was issued by Barnet Council on Monday 10 January 2022.

Due to the proposed retention of the existing Hendon Library, changes to the plans are required, and therefore revised applications for the Ravensfield and Fenella site and Building B9 will be submitted for planning consideration.

Hendon has a strong mix of community, people, spaces and places and the new Hendon Hub will bring the aesthetic character of historic and heritage buildings together with new modern and contemporary architecture.